the Bergen Community Regional Blood Center preferred the possible negative
publicity of a lawsuit, the uncertainty of a trial, the (possible**) cost of an
attorney, the need to prepare a defense, and the possibility of a judgment against
them for the entire amount I was suing for, rather than offering me what I was
entitled to. In the final analysis, it
probably cost them much more than what I sued them for. Why their benevolent attitude? I leave it to the reader to ponder the answer.
** (I
can’t be certain, but it is possible that their attorney, L.P., volunteered her
services because the Registry was working with her family, conducting donor
drives for her nephew.)
Prior to
the HLA Registry Foundation getting involved with the Blood Center, the latter
had a history of management and labor problems. Some of their employees had joined a labor union. They had a lengthy strike, regulatory
problems, and a Management shakeup.
Their CEO discussed all these things with us when he spoke to the
Registry’s employees about the merger.
Eventually though, I believe the Blood Center’s employees decided they
did not want continued Union representation.
I have to wonder if it was treatment similar to that which I experienced
that convinced their employees to seek Union representation in the past. If what I experienced is indicative of how
their other employees are treated, I would not be surprised to see their
employees joining a Union again in the future.
In short, I’m not expecting to see the Blood Center being mentioned in
one of those “The 100 Best Places To Work In America” magazine
articles, anytime soon.
banks serve a critical need. So do bone
marrow registries. It’s unfortunate
that such crucial services are being offered by an organization that in my
opinion, does not treat their employees fairly. I would still encourage people who are eligible to donate blood
or marrow to become blood donors or potential marrow donors. The good news is that there are other places
for donors (of blood, marrow or money) to turn. There are over 100 bone marrow registries in the United
States. There are also several blood
banks in the New York / New Jersey metropolitan area. It’s your blood (and marrow).
Donate it to the organization that you feel does the best job. Competition (for your business, your blood
and your money) is one of the things that make this Country so great. I’ll even concede that donating blood (or
joining the NMDP) thru the Bergen Community Regional Blood Center is preferable
to not donating at all. If you decide
to support the Blood Center, tell them I sent you (Mad cows need not apply).
After all, there’s no reason to punish the people that need blood
transfusions or other blood products, just because of the sins of others. While you’re there, ask to speak with the
Wizard, er….I mean the CEO. If you have
better luck than I did, and you get past his doorman, tell him you would like a
copy of his most recent IRS 990 return.
By law, they must allow you to inspect it. If, after looking through the return, you feel good about where
their money is going, consider whipping out your checkbook and making a
donation. Before you leave, ask him how
they treat their employees. Feel free
to mention this website. If you decide
that you do not wish to support the Bergen Community Regional Blood Center,
please consider making a donation directly to the National Marrow Donor Program.
I believe
that you can benefit from the bad, as well as the good things that happen to
you. I think that is the case with me,
regarding working for these two organizations.
Certainly, I have some regrets, and would do some things differently if
it was 1986 again and I had that opportunity.
As the saying goes, “If I knew then what I know now”. All things considered, I learned much during
my years at the Registry, and I had many positive experiences while there. In time, I’m hopeful that the bad taste that
lingers in my mouth will fade.
I hope people visiting this website find my
story informative. As I mentioned in
the prologue, I would enjoy hearing from you, whether it is information
relating to this story, your comments, questions, or anything else you wish to
provide. Contact me here.
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